happy new year! i hope your holidays were enjoyable and you got everything on your wishlist! i got plenty of running things, including two much needed running jackets. i'm excited to put them to use during the remaining winter months.
for christmas, i got to spend a week back in california with my family, and it was so relaxing and fun. i definitely enjoyed stuffing my face all day long and not being concerned with school and what not. although i was lazy and gluttonous, i did manage to get out for a run while i was there. it was a slow 2.5 miles and definitely didn't look like my normal surroundings.
not quite chicago...
it was a run that definitely opened my eyes to the fact that i need to re-commit to running and health if i want to reach my new goals. but that's what the new year is for! it's crazy to think that it's already been a year since my boyfriend and i both decided to get serious with getting in shape, and i decided that running was the way i wanted to go. a year ago, i couldn't even run a mile! it took an app, a gym membership, and a crazy goal to run two races in a weekend at my favorite place to get me through those early months. but eventually, i worked my way up to running a mile non-stop and before i knew it, i was runnng 5 miles non-stop. although time wasn't always on my side and a pesky ankle injury reared its head late in the year, 2014 was awesome for me. i got a little registration happy, and by the end of the year, i completed 4 5ks, 3 10ks, and my first half marathon.
for 2015, i of course have some new goals. i'll get more in to my race schedule and training in a post early next week, but since mar, courtney, and cynthia are hosting a 2015 goals link-up, i thought i would share my overall fitness goals for the year.
1.) i've been chasing a sub-30 minute 5k for months now! i got really close in september before my ankle flared up, so i know it's possible if i train right. this is the year for me!
2.) my dream goal for my first half marathon was to finish under 2:30. when training ended, i knew it was a far reach, and by the morning of the half, after tiring myself in the parks the two days before, i knew it wasn't going to happen that race. so here's hoping i get it this year!
3.) i used to be a swimmer in high school, and i've been toying with the idea of triathlons lately (in the far future, mind you!). i'm hoping to work swimming back in to my workout schedule to see if it's something i still enjoy.
4.) i am awful with training plans! i have yet to stick to one, whether it be from laziness (half marathon) or injury (turkey trot). the closest i got was for my first 5k, and that was just a training plan to get myself off the couch. hopefully i find one i can stick to this year.
5.) i want to add a new race distance to my completed list. i'm signed up for an 8k in march, so if all goes well, i'll be able to cross this one off soon! what are your goals for 2015?