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friday five: things to do on halloween

halloween is one of my favorite holidays. i have fond memories of my mom making my costumes as a kid and even now, as soon as it's october 1st, i'm excited to put up decorations. this particular halloween is forecast to have rain allll day, so all hopes of doing a haunted house or chicago ghost tour are out the door. but, i'm holding out hope that i'll still get to do a few things i wanted to do. i'm linking up with courtney, mar, and cynthia to share my five plans for halloween.

1.) go on a short run
the forecast keeps changing when exactly the rain is supposed to start, but it seems like early morning might be a safe bet for a short run around my neighborhood. i'm trying to do as many of my runs outside as i can before the winter weather shows up. living in a place with actual foliage (no offense, central california) makes any route i take gorgeous.
you arrrre, so beautiful, to meeeee.
2.) visit the farmer's market
october is usually the last month for outdoor farmer's markets in a lot of areas, and it's definitely true for us! because halloween falls on a saturday this year, the last farmer's market in lincoln park will be tomorrow! we're hoping the rain holds out and that we can get our hands on some fruits and veggies; we need to start eating healthy again (too much candy in october!)
Green City Market - Chicago, IL, United States. a rainbow of colors
photo courtesy of the green city market yelp page
3.) see a scary movie
i am a HUGE scary movie fan, and i've started to get alex to like them, too. we're planning on seeing a movie on saturday once it starts raining, but haven't yet decided which one we're going to see. what i do know is that i'm totally getting sour patch kids...what? i said healthy eating starts after october :p
we'll probably end up seeing this.
4.) read princess half marathon recaps
while we won't be dressing up on saturday, there is an event i want to do in the future that would have me dressing up, and that's the 2017 princess half at disneyworld! i got the "okay" from alex that we can try to go that february, and i'm so excited, even though registration isn't for another nine months! i've been reading recaps and loving everyone's costumes, so i'll probably keep doing that when i get bored saturday night.
i'm wish i could afford this jasmine costume by sherry designs
5.) make halloween treats
in addition to the candy coma at the movies, i want to make a sweet treat for the night. i've had my eye on these adorable pumpkin rice treats for weeks now, and i think i might go ahead and make them! if not, i can always make my super easy pumpkin cupcakes. or both!?
some vegan marshmallows and butter, and we're good to go!

what are your plans for halloween? what is your favorite candy? 



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