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chicago half training: week six

the sixth week of chicago half marathon training is over! here's a reminder of how this week was supposed to look:
monday - arms
my body had been feeling off for about a week and by monday, the idea of doing a full body workout at pure barre just didn't seem feasible and running sounded worse. so i opted for about 30 minutes of weights at home instead.

tuesday - 3 miles
the weather was perfect tuesday night, and i was excited to get out for a quick run before dinner plans. i went out on an easy out and back route and wasn't feeling tired until the end of the third mile. i even had enough gas in the tank to really push the last part of the run. the best part was, for the first time in forever, i was actually able to keep an overall pace below 11min/mile for the workout. win!
i'm so happy to be seeing this skyline again.
wednesday - pure barre
back at the lincoln park studio! i was surprised to see that the routine had changed up a bit to more closely mirror the routine i was doing in dc. there were some elements i really liked about the old routine, but i appreciate the challenge of the new one.

thursday - rest
i had a headache all day and just wasn't feeling the idea of a run because of it, so i decided it was best for an early rest day.

friday - 4 miles
it was a feels like temp of 90 degrees when i headed out for this run, yet my first mile felt really easy and fun! i was pleasantly surprised to hear my garmin beep at 9:55 for the first mile (my first sub-10 mile in foreverrr). but, i guess i pushed it too hard in the heat because the second and third miles were spent feeling hot and tired and needing walk breaks. i pulled it together for the last mile, though!
sub 10! and a very cluttered wrist...
saturday - pure barre
double red tubes have made their way to lincoln park! i loved the session and felt strong through legs and seat again. arms will always be my weakest point, but i'm seeing changes there, too, which is encouraging.

sunday - 1 mile
i tried to get up early you guys. i really did. i set three alarms for 6am. i got out of bed to fuel up at 6:30am. i started drinking water soon after. by 7:10am i was asleep again. why are you so hard, mornings!?! i tried again later in the evening but ran in to some tummy troubles around one mile in and called it quits. luckily, this upcoming week was supposed to be a cutback week for me, but since this week was more of a cutback, i can easily make up the long run.

weekly total: 8 miles
training total: 57.6 miles

do you have trouble running in the morning? how do you usually feel half way through training? i feel like this is always the point where i start to lose momentum...


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