the fifth week of spring half marathon training is over! here's a reminder of how this week was supposed to look:
monday - rest
one of my closest friends from undergrad came to visit me in chicago for a few days! it was so nice not having to worry about getting a workout in while we spent monday getting caught up on the last two and a half (!) years since graduation.
tuesday - cross-training
i had every intention of running a quick 3 miler at the end of the day, i really did. but after spending over 4 hours walking around at the art institute and then walking a few miles around downtown, my legs were pooped. i definitely got my cross-training in through stairs and walking, though, and decided that was good enough.
you don't get views like this while running!
wednesday - cross-training
another day of sightseeing! we started the day with a two hour trip to the zoo, then walked around lincoln park a bit, and finally ended the day with an improv show at io. i mapped our walking route on mapmyrun and found out we walked about 6 miles throughout the day so, once again, i called it cross-training and "good enough" in my book.
thursday - rest
my friend headed back to oregon early in the morning, so i had the whole day to try to make it to the gym (side note: where did that nice weather from a few weeks ago go?! i thought i was done with the treadmill!) but, i just didn't want to. i figured a rest day after all those days walking around wouldn't hurt.
friday - 3 miles
this run was great. i wasn't bored at all on the treadmill, kept the pace faster than my norm but didn't push it too much, and honestly didn't feel tired until well in to the third mile. i did have tight calves again though, so i really need to get more serious about stretching and rolling.
saturday - missed
i woke up to a weird ankle pain. it wasn't the same as what i experienced late last year/early this year. it was toward the front of my ankle, heading down my foot. it scared me a bit, so i skipped the run i had set for the day and iced my ankle instead.
sunday - shamrock shuffle 8k
i woke up to no ankle pain! hooray. the race went great (recap up tomorrow) and it made me so much more excited for my 10k and half marathon coming up. i know this week wasn't the best in terms of hitting my runs, but the race reaffirmed my desire to pr in the half in may, so i'm excited for the rest of training!
weekly total: 8 miles training total: 62.35 miles
how's your training going? ever skip training runs for gallivanting with friends?